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Xavier Masero

Viaje al interior

A journey inland always involves a long journey. If we want to go deeper and get answers, it's easy to get lost in a perverse and self-indulgent game of perceptions.

Xavier Masero offers us a "guided visit" to its most intimate and profane interior; with which he tries to find out what we are made of rather than why we are made. The path of faith, that of science or even that of observation, sometimes lead us to the same destinies, if there are destinies.

His passion for the structure of things as a metaphorical scaffolding for more rational thought and finitude as a natural compensation for "vanitas" urges us to look more cleanly at what we are and what surrounds us. "The deepest part of a man is his skin" Paul Valéry told us, and the artist adds that it is "closer than it seems"; only the self-conscious and complex look keeps us away.

The exhibited works have been conceived as visions of the stage where life happens; like a set of plates of a microscope that does not bring us closer to our interior than to the functioning of a complex and fascinating whole.

For Xavier, this exhibition has a very special meaning, given his admiration for Josep Guinovart and his work - with whom he met in a workshop at the Tecla Sala de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat a few years ago. Being able to show some of their works at Espai Guinovart is a kind of timeless wink that brings them together again.