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Arnaldo Coen

Invisible spaces

Arnaldo Coen is undoubtedly one of the most representative artists of Mexican art in recent decades. This first exhibition in Spain of the work of Arnaldo Coen (Mexico City, 1940) will be a discovery for some and a confirmation for others. In spite of his artistic and intellectual career developed by the most prestigious contemporary art circuits in Mexico: Museo de Arte Moderno, Arte Carrillo Gil Museum, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, and other international forums such as Documenta de Kassell, The Union Court Gallery (San Francisco, USA) or Pan American Union (Washington DC, USA), the knowledge of his work in Spain and Europe has been, in comparison, scarce.

Arnaldo Coen belongs to the generation of artists that became known in the sixties, developing an art that was committed to the symbolic and poetic dimensions of space and images, while taking root in the most radical thinking of contemporary art.

A slight revision of the artistic career of Coen remembers how, from his first individual exhibition at the Mer-Kup Gallery in 1963, the features that will be constant in his work as a whole appear in his painting : the gesture, the matter and the color, three elements that will appear alternatively, within an informal, figurative or abstract aesthetics.

Equipped with a personal language, its work has a complexity that is the result of generating ambiguous spaces, that open and close to the spectator at the same time as they fall back on themselves. It reveals extraordinary confrontations that arise between the transformations of the human figure, especially the torso, which is the central theme of the sample

The intersection between the symbolic aspects and the precise forms that characterize their work, makes the most appropriate approach to discover the multiplicity of their qualities, claiming to renounce a retrospective approach to turn their presentation into the environment of the " those works, some created specifically for this exhibition, that are related to the space where they are exhibited.

The Private Foundation Espai Guinovart, where this traveling exhibition has begun in several European cities, establishes an enriching and committed dialogue between the work of Arnaldo Coen and that of Josep Guinovart. This space, one of the most significant in Catalonia where the main central spaces are occupied by the facilities of Guinovart, is the place indicated to publicize the work of Coen.

Coen's own identity creates a space unit around which a journey is being built where the viewer feels attracted to his exploration, following the poetic or sensual intuition of this work, which, like architecture , it is inspired by the precepts of organic growth to be applied to its own structure.

This same desire of totality between work and space is what motivated the artist to conceive this exhibition, which will achieve a reading that will contribute to enrich the approach and understanding of this artistic work that deserves all ours attention With the present selection of recent work, we have tried to represent a stage that characterizes the whole of his work that allows to assess the importance of his work.