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Already in the seventies or early eighties, For family and friendship reasons, I regained contact with Agramunt, after a long time (friend Farreny has a important part in this return). Then I was discovering the sources, the origin of certain structures of my language; obsessions, materials such as earth, straw, grain. I can explain it better: identification with geographies and arid environments. He great impact of trips to Morocco, Algeria, also Egypt, Mexico, cultures very different from ours, before my return
to Agramunt.

I was in Agramunt in the years 37-38, in the middle of the Civil War. He first bombardment of the population determined the flight towards the countryside, where we live very together grandfather, mother, cousins, aunts, brothers, in a cabin. That required establishing a relationship direct with nature, as well as with the elements, objects, implements, animals. We were almost always barefoot and I could say that I perceived the sensual world through my feet rather than through my hands.

Light was obtained with olive oil, wax, candles. The nights of summer we slept on the threshing floor, near the animals, the manure, of the straw, the mud, the rabbits, the eggs, the roosters and the brooders, the screams of the pig that senses death, the ass to the shitting air with the complicity of the stones, bare feet walking with a level technique to avoid getting punctured by the stubble.

All those experiences are from when I was 9-10 years old. I think that Any personality is very complex and, therefore, it is difficult rationalize your impacts, emotions, childhood traumas, and even more difficult to make a self-portrait of it. But, although the unconscious will be defined very soon, I am convinced that a part of my career has been shaped by this past, that always becomes present. That link is past, present thought, concept of totalization, space-object relationship, close up.

The possibility of this Space gives me enthusiasm to make idea and feeling coherent. I have not learned to do a museum, but a work that belongs to Agramunt, to its environment, to its inhabitants, to these lands and to their seasons: simplicity from the green of spring to the gold of the harvests of the summer, from the stubble of red autumn to the cold and misty range of winter. Agramunt, more Segarra than Urgell. with the mystery calm of the Sió basin. JOSEP GUINOVART, June 15, 94 [original text of the first catalog of the Fundació Espai Guinovart Agramunt]

Thirty years later we want to thank very deeply all those people who fought to make this Space possible, especially to the then mayor Josep Huguet Herbera, and all of you who believed in this project. Thanks to your loyalty we have managed to make the Espai Guinovart Agramunt is a reference inside and outside our land.
So here's to 30 more years!

Maria Guinovart Pelauzy
President of the Espai Guinovart Foundation