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Clamor de terra

Museu d’arquitectura i urbanisme (MAU) d’Almacelles

Almacelles, in the municipality of Segrià, commemorates the Water Festival in March, a historic date that changed the lives of its inhabitants and its landscape, such as the commissioning of the Aragon and Catalonia canal. Coinciding with the Water Festival, the Museum of Architecture and Urbanism (MAU) of Almacelles, presents in collaboration with the Espai Guinovart the exhibition Clamor de terra, dedicated precisely to land and water and which wants to be a sense of homage to the landscape of the Segrià, where water and land are sought and found, to make their fields, fertile and generous places.

The exhibition shows a total of 27 pieces, with 12 mixed works and collage on wood, fabric and paper, 8 lithographs of 2 and three inks, collage and hand-lit, 4 screenprints and hand-illuminated by the 4 stations on poems by Jose Hierro and three jugs, made by the same artist, painted with acrylic, on terracotta, iron and glass, in which Josep Guinovart presents us, dyed blue and ocher, the landscapes and the people who work there.