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Garba conference


Different experts agree to say that in the next five years 5 million jobs will be lost in the 15 most developed economies and those in emerging countries.

One sees that all this will happen because of the disintermediation, the automation of processes and the robotics between others and will conform what we call the 4th industrial revolution. Fortunately or unfortunately, after having spent three, we are already beginning to have some experience in the changes that they entail. We make memory:

1) By 1820 steam replaces manual work. The machines are more efficient at the time of producing and at the same time that the factories are born, an average class is created that very little by little improves their conditions of life. The 1st industrial revolution changed society.
2) At the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, with the improvement of production processes, electrification and especially the rail and telegraph, a globalization process begins that makes the world's smallest. The 2nd industrial revolution changes space.
3) The 3rd industrial revolution, the digital revolution that goes from the 50s to the 70s of the 20th century, marks the change of electro-mechanical technologies analog to the digital ones. The convergence of digital technologies and telecommunications culminates in the globalization that began in the 19th century. The world has become a small village and everything is happening now: digitization changes time.

Now we begin the 4th Industrial Revolution that is digital, physical and biological.
Disciplines seemingly as different as robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology or 3D manufacturing converge pushed by Big Data forces, artificial intelligence and mobile networks. In 10 years a computer with the power of calculating a human brain can be based on the experience accumulated by mankind to make decisions. Dr. Baselga commented on the importance of Big Data and artificial intelligence in the fight against cancer.
By doing a conservative prediction, one could say that this 4th revolution will change everything, and this time it will play us especially as individuals asking ourselves often what it means to be human.